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Canyonlands White Rim Trail
Mussleman Arch
On the Arch
Under the Arch
Thin Right Side
Fallen Slabs
White Rock Caps
Near the Arch
Colorado River
Chocolate Wasteland

Airport Tower Camp
Tower in the Morning

Monument Basin
A Beautiful Big Hole
Lonely Plants
On the Rim
Side Canyon

Near White Crack
The Road Near White Crack Turnoff
Leftover Yucca Blooms
Looking Towards White Crack Camp

Murphy Hogback
Down the Road Looking North
Ancient Mudflat and the Candlestick
Looking South
Southside Road in the Evening
Rolling Hills Lead to Junction Butte
Hogback Top View at Campsite B
Fading Sun
Southside Road in Morning
Further Down
Looking Steeply Back Up
Campsite B in the Morning

Near Candlestick
Candlestick Above a Dry Wash
Approaching Potato Bottom

Fort Bottom on the Green River
From the Parking Area
Beautiful Curves
Heading Out on the Gooseneck
Looking Back South
Ruins and the River
The Other Side

Hardcrabble Bottom
Hoping the Rock Don't Fall
Campsite B Looking North

Taylor Canyon
Overcast Parking for Moses and Zeus
Climbers Near the Top of Moses
Farther Out
Moses, Really Far Out
East Side Wall and Moses
West Side View
Looking West Downvalley
The Thracian Mare
Shadows of Myself
Looking Upvalley
Awesome Clouds, Awesome Towers
Not a Bad Place to Park
Fading Down the Valley